Artist in Residence at C.R.E.T.A.Rome Studio
November 2018
Während dieses Arbeitsaufenthaltes sind mehrere Serien und Entwürfe entstanden.

Tiber Man

Being in the C.R.E.T.A. Rome ceramics studio for the period of a month, I took the opportunity to advance my studies of the nature of clay.
Instead of firing some of the objects, I reversed the process, transforming them anew through dissolving them in water. I took the dried-out clay figure „Tiber Man“ to Tiber Island. Sitting on the sand bank at the end of the island, the sculpture was partly lapped by the waves. The next day, I discovered that the „Tiber Man“ had partially dissolved. The waves had not taken him away. He had become an antique Roman figure.

Tiber Man, unfired clay figure, 12 x 12 x 18 cm

Studio desk

clay figurine, 18 cm x 7 cm x 8 cm
cardboard spheres, 12 cm


Szenario auf dem Kapitolsplatz – Piazza del Campidoglio

Burning „HUMAN RIGHTS“ cardboard spheres

Performance of residents of the AIR-Programme at the C.R.E.T.A. Rome Studio Sarah Gross, Diane van Buren, Susanne Kompast, Paolo Porelli
Tiber Island in Rome on 9.11.2018

Remembrance of the Novemberpogrom in 1938 when Jewish Synagogues in Germany and Austria were destroyed by the Nazi-regime.
15 cardboard spheres, on each sphere were mounted two articles of the human rights convention. After declaring the Human Rights we burnt the spheres according to the inhuman acts during the World War II.

Maquette for a Memorial Stone

clay, terracotta glazing, 30  x 18  x 18 cm

Sand Uhr

Temple and Goddesses

referring to the Titus Arc of Triumphe

Cardboard Temple, 35 x 35 x 12 cm
Three goddesses and the caretakers of the temple, clay figures, each 10 x 6 x 5 cm


clay figure, 15  x 10 x 5 cm
cardboard box, 35 x 20 x 10 cm


Allegory of Rome

clay figurine with copper wire 17 x 7 x 6 cm,



Hanging and Sitting

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